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Bey’s Soup (Begova Čorba) With Recipe | Simple, Fast & Incredibly Tasty
Bey’s Soup (Begova Čorba)


Adjust Servings:
2 pcs Chicken Thighs or Drumsticks
2 pcs Carrot
50 g Celeriac peeled and chopped
100 g okra
1 pcs Egg yolk only
50 g sour cream
1 tablespoon Flour
1 tablespoon Salt
a pinch Black pepper
a pinch ground nutmeg
1 pcs lemon

Bey’s Soup (Begova Čorba)


Bey's Soup (Begova Čorba) is by far the most famous soup in traditional Bosnian cuisine.

  • 90
  • Serves 8
  • Medium



Bey’s Soup (Begova Čorba) is by far the most famous soup in traditional Bosnian cuisine. This is a thick soup made of chicken and okra with the addition of vegetables and herbs.

It is served as a warm appetizer and is very common in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Traditionally, it is considered a festive meal and is often prepared during the holidays. Today, it is also an indispensable part of the gastronomic offer in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is almost no traditional Bosnian cuisine restaurant that does not have its own Bey’s soup recipe.


Bey’s soup is, in some ways, a characteristic dish of Bosnian cuisine. This cuisine is characterized by slow cooking, where foods are cooked in their own juice, with the addition of meat. What gives a Bosnian verse and great taste is the fine-tuned flavour of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices.

Bey’s Soup Origin

Bey’s soup recipe came to Bosnia and Herzegovina along with the Ottoman conquests. The name alone tells that since the bey is the name for Turkish nobles. It was a meal made from many foods that were not readily available, only the bays could afford it.

It is interesting to mention that it is believed that it’s an aphrodisiac. Legend has it that this soup was a favourite but also needed for the beys because of the common polygamy at that time. The basic ingredient of this soup is okra, and it has always been considered as an aphrodisiac.

Okra is a bit exotic and an unusual vegetable, but it is very popular in Bosnian cuisine. In addition to its aphrodisiac effect, it has other healing properties. Therefore, is common in folk medicine.

I got this recipe for bey’s soup from my friend Addis. He’s a foodie just like me, but he’s also an extremely good connoisseur of traditional Bosnian cuisine.


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In a deeper cooking pot cook chicken meat and vegetables. Add a tablespoon of salt and cook until the vegetables soften. It is recommended to cook for as long as possible so that the juices from the vegetables and meat release as much as possible of flavour.


When the meat and vegetables are cooked, strain everything. Leave the strained broth over low heat to simmer gently.


Separate the meat from the bones, then cut into small pieces with your fingers (do not cut but chop). Also cut the carrots, celeriac, and parsnip into small pieces.


Return the meat and vegetables to the broth, add okra and allow to cook gently for 10 - 15 minutes.


During this time in a bowl whisk the cream, flour and 1 egg. With constant stirring, add this mixture to the soup. Stir until thickened. Add the pinch of black pepper and nutmeg in the end.


Before serving soup generously sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and drop some lemon juice.

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